New controllers that make gaming more interesting
In the gaming machines such as xbox, controllers play a vital role in whether you win or advance to next level or losing out to the opponent. Especially in games like shooting games, you should be able to fire continuously before the enemy takes you out. In this regard, you should be able to reload the weapon fast with the new ammunition. Delay in this will make you bleed in the game and you will lose health in the process. This is why the new modded controller from the megamods is such a revelation for the gaming enthusiast.
Added advantages in the new controller
One important factor that makes this controller so lovely is the way it enables to spot and lock the aim. Normally, in shooting games, entry level players will struggle to take aim and kill the opponent or the target. Taking aim especially if the target is moving one is very tough job to do. This controller steadies the aim in turn increase the chances the killing of opponent that helps to win the game.
Another feature is that auto spot which will give advantage during the team game. Especially in the battle field games, it will help people to spot the enemy easily across the battlefield. This is a game changing aspect as you will be able to spot and kill the enemy even before he realizes you have spotted them will put you in pole position and you will be the hero in your team. Auto run is the third major feature that is not available with other controllers. With this option, your running and gunning will be in cruise control mode thus increasing the controller life more. Drop shot is fourth feature which allows you to take cover while you are taking shots at enemy location. As this option enables you to hide yourself using the terrain where the battle is taking place, enemy won’t be able to take you out with the firing as you will be hidden.
This controller is available in different colors and the pricing is around $100 only which is very less compared to the original controller but with lots of added features that will provide you upper hand in many games and make you a instant hint among your gaming team. Buy the controller from the website and enjoy your time in games.